Don’t give me a taste 

Of what could be 

If you’re not ready to go all in

For my heart has been yearning 

For its strings to be played

For the longest time

And my mind has lived on

Rather vivid pictures or imaginations 

Of the kind of love I want 

And how it could feel like.

So, you see

My heart is soft yet strong 

Open and waiting 

Even for a flicker of hope 

Of what I’ve waited for 

And of what I’m still waiting for.

So hope right now is dangerous 

So maybe I should just stay away from you 

Because I’m incapable of being friends with you 

But I love you this much 

And because I know that’s all you want 

I still stay at the expense of my mind being a mess 

Just to be your friend 

Maybe this is what Sam Smith felt

When he sang “Love is a losing game”



  1. This is so beautiful and marvellous. Back to back hits

  2. Incredible way to communicate the feeling

  3. If they tell me lets just be friends i'll do em one better and be strangers instead

  4. All the situationships are shaking right now 😂

  5. I love you soo, I have to stop being friends with you...That's all to it there is...This situationship thing hurts like maddd

  6. A whole bond, heart and soul is a retrospective diagnosis.

    Let your heart open Bella and dazzle in the magic of spontanous romance and the beauty it offers😁. Strike their bundle of His, let is reverbrate the classic of Bachman. Make that taste have an enduring pattern, stamping it's memory traces and refiring after every encounter.

    Then and there Bella, you............#heartstrings


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