Dealing with Parents in a Lockdown: How to stay sane and happy


Hey people, it is a brand new week. I hope you've keeping safe, having fun and achieving those goals. Today i will be talking about something we all need to read. I drew inspiration from one of the occurrences during the month. Sit tight😉

I can’t count the number of times I wanted to just run out of my house and put a few miles💨💨 between my parents and I or the times I cried myself to sleep (yes I still cry😅) or moments I forced myself to watch a movie just to forget the anger 😠and hurt I felt, or times I went to the bathroom, turned on the shower to substitute for crying at certain points in this lock-down. I really have lost count and i am sure you will agree with me that this lock-down has taken longer than it should. I remember the school authorities dismissing us for two weeks and boom two weeks turned five months and counting.

I am sure most of y’all if not all has probably felt that impulse and emotions at one point in time. Well, Its no surprise because parents can be a lot to handle sometimes (most times😂) Analyzing the several times this has happened as made me come to a conclusion or should I say various conclusions why this happens.

One, these arguments, those moments will not just start itself, something triggered it. Imagine this scenario, Mum comes home tired, probably had a bad day at work and the whole house is upside down, scattered ( dishes unwashed, clothes everywhere and you have not even bathed. She sees your laptop opened and keeps quiet at first trying to give allowance for the fact that you were so engrossed in reading, then she passes by just to see film abi that Korean series (whatever you watch)you were watching. She might not talk then. Then over to the kitchen she goes to find something to eat maybe it will help cool her nerves, then she meets an empty burnt pot. I am sure you can imagine what comes next😂😂Dolapo Dolapooo😠 she would shout. I certainly triggered it right?

Maybe you didn't trigger it this time around. let's say you're like me that gets everything that needs to done ready before being told to do it and there's just one more thing left probably you forgot about it and you're asked to do it. Maybe you complain about being exhausted and the Oga Patience is no where to found today or even nearby, a very likely possibility is a lashing out and let's say dad forgets about all the right things you did today and focus on the one thing you did wrong. Then you start to feel really bad and focus all the wrong things your dad has done in the past one month😂😂 a cycle starts.

So how do you deal with this situations

One thing i always want you to keep in mind is there's always a point. If you're the child and you're being shouted at it is either you did something wrong or the shouter😂😂 (if there is something like that) had a bad day. It is your place to determine which is which. Understand that and it will save you a lot of crying and energy😂

Secondly, instead of arguing keep quiet! while doing so listen, don't hear, i said listen! Arguing with your parents most of the times make things worse. Even if you won the argument, trust me you just made your parent feel more bitter and angry but they might not want to say so. You will notice the difference in the way they relate with you for a day or more😂. So keep quiet

Last but not the least, be observant. You basically grew up with your parent or you live with them, Take cognisance of what they like and what they do not. Just like your mum knows that you don't like to eat Semo, you too know that  she doesn't like whatever she doesn't😂. Try to avoid those things.

You know, parents are humans too, sometimes children fail to realize that and expect them to be their super heroes 24/7 everyday of their life. But that's not possible, there will be bad days and good days. In some months more bad weeks than good ones or more good ones than bad ones. There will be times we need to exchange roles,the child acting like the adult and vice versa. Let love and understanding win💓🙏

I will love to hear your experience with your parents during this lock-down and what you think in the comment section. Let's talk😊

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  1. Nice one... Extremely relatable and fun to read.. I loved it so keep it up.

  2. I feel like we all have the same parents because this is just 😂😂

    1. I know right😂 as different as they are they do very similar things

  3. I can totally relate to what you're saying😹💔. The kind of parents I have can find the slightest reason to complain especially with the way we handle the lockdown stress. They say "you're sleeping too much" ,"you're watching too much TV", "your ears are always plugged"😂, "you're eating too much, "you're always in your room....
    Sometimes it's transferred aggression and sometimes, it's my fault but I've just seen that we're all trying to survive this lockdown (even our parents feel the impact sometimes too). 😢

    Nice one Dolapo! 💖 Keep it up.

    1. You've got it all right with all you've said! We all are just trying to survive the lockdown without really knowing how to do it. Thank you for sharing❤

  4. Funny😂😂😂... but very relatable
    Mothers are worse.. fathers are calm, they hardly trigger anything but you see those mothers they can shout shout and twist issues

  5. Great blog really puts things in perspective

  6. I've been on my own for a bigger part of this holiday but I get frustrated with myself too😁😁

  7. Too relatable.. beautiful piece. Crucial lessons have been learnt

  8. I can relate pa 😂😂, I was just laughing as I was reading through. Welldone 🎉

  9. I can relate pa 😂😂, I was just laughing as I was reading through. Welldone 🎉

  10. I definitely enjoyed this 😂😂. They are human too jare.

  11. It's like we all have similar parents😂 But patience helps in situations like this😊. I can't count how many times I cried too. I definitely enjoyed reading this. Keep up the good work darling

  12. Lol. I guess we can all relate to this one tho 😂😂😂

    Yes!!! Your point on not arguing but listening is definitely on point. 😅 It saves you from more wahala and a reduced allowance. 🤣

    Nice read tho, thank you. 💫

  13. Relatable, Relatable and everything else in between.
    But yeahh, you're right.
    Arguing is pointless!
    Something I've also learnt a long long time ago.
    Such a great read, Girl✨💋
    We want moreeee😂😭💜

  14. So true and relatable😂😂.......i can't stop laughing😂😂😂

  15. i must confess..i feel a little guilty, but all the same thanks for sharing a very important survival tip😂😂😂😂

  16. yessohhh....parents and their ...don't lemme say anything😂😂😂..thank you for sharing...i look to reading more from you😉😉😊

  17. But what if none of those happened and they just shout your name anyhow 😠... What is the solution

    1. I understand this completely, there's bound to be that irritation and anger. what I feel you should do is not to let those emotions control your actions. It's going to be tough but you've to at least try.

  18. Babes exactly the same thing i learnt just keep quiet when they shouting and make sure theres food at home before they come back from work periodtt .Nice write up dear

  19. So true... I can relate. That feeling where you just want to leave d house.. but honestly we just have to bear with what ever comes out way.. Nice write up dear

  20. I love your thoughts on this topic. Let love and understanding win always🌸. Great job dear!😘

  21. Welldone Dolapo..this was a really nice read😂❤️

  22. I love this is something I can so relate to

    1. I think everyone that has been a child at one point in time can too

  23. 😂😂
    No lies...
    You'll need a lot of patience to deal with African parents. This is a beautiful piece dear. ❤️Keep it up!


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