Wakanda Forever: Purpose and Abilities.

Hey people!

It's been over  a month, I know , i know i owe you guys lots of content. Don't worry i am here to make up for it. Never again will i leave you guys hanging again i promise😊.

I hope y'all have been good. I have been surviving. Thanks for asking😂😂 I have missed your comments and feedbacks. It feels good to finally share this with y'all.

So, this post was meant to have been put up since but it's been a wonder full month(pun intended)😅😂Right from preparing and writing some exams to hearing the loss of a man whose role in the society inspired something greater than just himself. I was this close to not making a post today because of everything going on, but i just had to.

Recently I watched a video of Chadwick Boseman talking and it hit me that he isn’t  ever going to talk again like this😫 and If i died today, my business here too is finished, no chance to start anything new or improve on the not-so-good things or take back things I regret. It means I have a big final full stop not a comma in the story called my life

The loss of so many lives 😔during this lock down some from Covid and some other causes like cancer and the likes has made me start looking at the bigger picture of things closely and asking some questions. 

We all know, the end game for everyone is death, but we never talk about it until it happens. So most of the times we live our lives like we are immortals until we hear about someone's death and we are like wow, death is still a thing😆😂. 

I am also guilty of doing this on several occasions. It is probably a coping mechanism our minds have developed to shield us from the harsh truth😑, that one day we would just seize to exist. if you are part of the #never die gang# 😇there's consolation because it is just a transition to a better place. While there are so many lessons to draw from his deaths, i will like to focus on just one; PURPOSE.

Your Purpose is simply the reason for your existence. Think about it, why would you be in life if you're not in it to accomplish something no one else could do in your way.

Have you ever wondered why you can do a particular thing or several things, Well i have and i believe that God gave that gift, that talent, that ability for a reason💫 and i have come to understand our abilities are connected to our purpose. So if you are searching for purpose you can start from there.

You can write, write beautifully📝, reach the hearts of the thousands, let people find hope ✨and joy and companionship and knowledge through you.

You can talk, talk😀🎤. There is a lot of unsaid things that needs to be uncovered. The world is listening.

you can sing, sing🎶🎶 and do it excellently. Oh how much people rely on good music to help them through the days

You are great at your academics, good continue to excel🎓, you might just turnout to be the doctor that finds the cure to cancer🏥, the engineer to pioneer the first lasting green engineering solution in manufacturing, the lawyer to revive the justice system.

You can laugh and you have the ability to make others laugh, laugh it all away😄 and help people find happiness

You can act, act, bring wonderful stories to life 🎬because in this world people need something to help get away from all the struggles and bad news up and down.

 Imagine if Chadwick took his role as Black panther very lightly and gave a B rated performance, Black Panther would just be one of those many trashy overrated movies and likely people might not have gotten the real story that was meant to inspire hope.

We can also find purpose outside our abilities, gifts. Your purpose could be a function of the environment you are in🌆. I have seen persons who make it a point of duty to just help whenever and wherever there's a problem or an issue even if it's not their areas of their strength🌟.

My dear readers, there’s nothing like the today you have because tomorrow isn’t promised, all we can do is to hope for a tomorrow. 

On that note, i leave you with this LIVE EACH DAY AS YOUR FIRST and LAST. If that is what it would take you to live your full potential. That's what you're called to do🎀.

Till next time my lovelies❤



  1. I must confess... ...you're blog really impacted me...thank you Dolapo... I look forward to seeing more from you...
    With love from your number 1 fan

  2. Finally... It was worth the wait...thank you for sharing

  3. 'Live each day like as your first and last' ...I just love this

  4. So much wisdom in a blog, you didn't make it dull...Fink about it.
    I feel so imparted and inspired, good job

  5. Finally!!!, I got to read your post😍🤗, and I must say, I'm so glad and it was beautiful and impactful too. I look forward to the others, I'm proud of you baby girl, keep it up💝

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Literally “Caught my Sub” if you know what I mean lol. This is very Apt! Thank you so much for sharing❤️.

  8. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Very inspiring❤❤❤ keep up the good job Dolapo! 💪🏾

  9. This really hit a big part of my mind. You've beautifully inspired and expressed our thoughts
    Thank you

  10. Pure facts stated. Thank you again Dolapo💓

  11. Great and Inspiring stuff! Keep the good works up Dolapo.

  12. Great post Reina, Take your chances now, while you can. You don't know what might happen the next minute. Wakanda forever!

  13. Wonderful content.... This just gets getting better and better.... Go girl. Muah🤗

  14. Yh. All facts well stated.
    Quite inspiring.
    Live each day like it's my last, hmmmmmmmmm.

    1. Thank you for reading, don't forget to share it with someone.

  15. This is really inspiring miss...I hope to read more from your page♥️♥️

  16. This is a very wonderful piece. A friend of mine died recently from myeloid lukemia and he was such a bright dude.

    If we were to vote for the most likely to succeed back then, he would have won it. One thing I learnt from him tho, is that he lived his life to the fullest. Even in death he remained jovial.

    His instagram profile photo before he died read "Do not wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life" and I believe we should all learn that while of course chasing our purpose in life. Thank you Dolapo!

    1. Your friend sounds like a wonderful person, may his soul rest in peace. Thank you for sharing this with me and your insight on purpose❤


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