Happy World Poetry Day


Lost am I in myself

And still like a kettle brewing tea

My thoughts are vibrating at a frequency/magnititude

Similar to what an earthquake will feel like if contained in a body

I’m brewing with thoughts to share

But no choice cup is in sight

To pour into.

I’m burning with words to speak

But no voice to utter them

My stifled voice is almost

Lost to the noise of this world 

I must still be heard

Even if it’s in whispers 

Because I’ve words to convey

Words of love and peace

Strength and courage  

Encouragement and solidarity 

Words like hugs, a solace and comfort. 

Hence, I’ll write 

Till I’ve found me 

Till my whispers aren’t whispers 

And my voice is heard loud and clear 

Till more people open their hearts to love 

Till more people are happy, encouraged and living life to its fullest 

And I’ll carry you along in that journey 

Like I first promised when I laid my pen to paper 



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