In Praise of the Woman


Bronzed with elegance 

Enameled with grace 

The pride of her father 

The comfort of her sisters 

The Apple of the eye of her husband 

Society’s most treasured treasure 

We hail you 

Oh great woman 

From thee unwavering devotion is defined 

Determination strong enough to level mountains 

The very image of a queen 

A multitasking maestro 

Catering to her needs and everybody else’s like no other 

How may we continually sing your praises 

Oh great woman 

Today we open our minds 

To the endless possibilities of your capacity 

That as you dream it, you reach it 

We break down stereotypes built 

We bring down every discrimination 

Starting with our words today 

That all who know you 

Know your inestimable value and treat you as such 

Oh great woman 

May the doors you choose to knock be open to you 

May your flight be swift and free

When you choose to fly 

May your reign be peaceful and prosperous 

As a sister, mum, leader and everything you choose to be.


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