7:00am Wednesday morning.
I was ushered from the realm of sleep
To wakefulness by the
High pitch chirping of the bird on my windowpane
I could feel a smile erect along the curves of my lips
Even though my eyes were still closed
Fond Memories etched someone in the soft tissue of my brain
Flooded my consciousness just as the morning light shined through my window
Pictures and videos, pieces of my memories
Played for an audience of one in a room of two.
Memories of a little girl
Wearing her dainty blue, above the knee uniform
Replayed before me.
She also hearing the all too familiar chirping of the birds.
A sound she never knew she’d recall even after 15yrs
Dolapo, Ifedolapo
it’s 7:30 and class is by 8:00
My roommate Eniola calls out
And as I get up for a race against time to class
The little bird on my window pane bids me bye
With wings flapping and silence ensuing
As a result of it’s absence.
If only I could lay in bed all day
Annnnnndddddd she strikes again with anotherrrr beautiful piece, this is really lovely, the words were meticulously crafted and merged together, it was listening to music.