Infrared Eyes: Things I See in my Compound


Source: Google

You'd think the sun will ease up on it's bright hot smile

The clouds will gather to discuss and weep

And the earth would revolt against the incidence of the night before

But all seemed well again with the world

Except for the fact that all wasn't in Mrs P's.

Early the next morning

Mrs P was up to send her children to school

I knew this because of the pot, kettle, stainless clatter 

Mr P wasn't back with the 'muscle"-

The only car the family owned.

So the children alongside Mrs P

Will have to use Okada to get to school this morning

The moment Mrs P got out of the four walls of her apartment

What my eyes made out in pictures

Caused my heart to fall.

Picture this

A shattered mug cup holding water in it 

Pieced together by invisible bandages

That’s what she reminded me of.

She was battered like chin chin dough 

She had bruises forming an alternating pattern 

With her normal skin like the 

Red, white stripe of a Christmas cane.

She hid her eyes behind the dark classic Rayban shades 

But I was sure those almond shaped eyes were red

Even the way she walked looked like her legs 

Suddenly needed some greasing to reduce friction

She was undoubtedly in pain.

Unlike me who peeped from behind the curtains 

Mama G 

The oldest woman in the compound 

Was outside sweeping the veranda

There’s no way Mrs P will escape her scrutiny 

Even if the last thing she would want to do is talk.

Mama G as if on cue says 

“Kaaro oko mi (Good morning my dear) “

“How was your night? What happened last night ?”

Mrs P concocted a lie that was obviously a lie 

About how her youngest child 

Broke her wine bottles and she disciplined the child 

By a few stroke of the cane. 

They both knew the words 

That just came out of her mouth were lies.

Mama G not masking the disbelieve on her face

Replies “okay o it’s part of life”

“You’ll be fine”

No words left Mrs P’s mouth this time 

I had to wonder 

What might have been running through her mind 

Because her back view was all I could see 

But I hope she no longer wants to be 

A party to such violence

For her sake and her children’s. 



  1. Beautifully written!
    Well done Ifedolapo!🤍👏🏿

  2. This is beautifully creative and I enjoyed my reading.
    Well done!

  3. This is wonderful darling 😘


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