When Walls have Ears: Things I hear in my Sitting Room


Source: Google 

Not again 

Not again!!!!

Those were the first two sentences 

That left my mouth 

As I heard Mr P 

Pounding and stumping 

On what I suppose is the body of his wife Mrs P

With each pound 

Came a scream of anguish 

And with a stump 

Tears, bruising and blood 

Plates or were they bottles 

were falling to the floor 


The hysterical laughter 


The cynical hissing


Every sound suddenly amplified 

For all to hear 

But what couldn’t be heard

Was the fear that gripped 

Their 4children while they lay on their shared bed

To rest from the day’s play.

The door banged shut

And a car engine comes alive 

That must be Mr P leaving.

Good riddance 

But I knew he would be back in the day like nothing happened 

The tranquil that once enveloped 

The night in my small community 

Was Torn from head to toe 

In just a second 

In one conversation 

Of only God knows what 

Courtesy of Mr P.



  1. This was so lovely.

  2. I read this at night, and it added an interesting flavor while reading. I think I want more of this style, it's different. I can't wait for your next piece.


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