
Showing posts from June, 2024

My Friend

My friend  A guardian of my interests In clarity and  uncertainty. A light in the darkness Situations may cast. A shelter in times of hurt Even when the wounds are invisible. A companion with whom I share belly laughs A confidant who has witnessed my tears As they cascade down my face. A soul who comprehends my silence As deeply as my words. A person with whom I can be completely and securely myself. My Friend  One I can trust to tell me the truth   And set me straight  The one who prays with and for me  The one who loves me  And reminds me of what’s truly important in life. My friend Without you Life with all its joy  Will feel incomplete  Life with little sadness  Will be utterly devastating My friend  You're a spice as well as an essence of life. Ifedolapo 

The Idea of Love

  To be in love with the idea of love is to  Embrace JUST The butterflies in your tummy  And the feeling of floating on cloud 9 The “I love you(s)” The sweet surprises  The happy banters  The cute texts  The anticipation and suspense  That comes with the chase. To be in love with the idea of love is An unconscious decision  Or conscious for some  To stay in love only when  The axis of the universe you’ve built with innumerable cords of emotional ties  Isn’t pulled or tugged by  Disagreements  Tough conversations  Distance  Time  Inconvenience  To be in love with the idea of love is  To be in love with the FEELING of love  And not necessarily the person. Ifedolapo

Love vs Love: A Confession

  I’ve a confession to make  Chances are high you’d share it with me  I think I might’ve being in love with the idea of love  Rather than the idea of being in love. It’s what all these clear cut,cheesy, romantic fairytales will subconsciously build in your mind  after years of consuming their content.  Coming to this realization soon enough  Has saved me from regrettable mistakes  And irreparable damages on another soul  Whose only mistake would’ve been  Choosing to love me then. This is a pointer to the fact that  All you might truly just want to do is  To love on someone  But you end up hurting them  Because you don’t know  Or fully grasp  What it means to be in love And what it takes to stay in love. Ifedolapo