
Showing posts from March, 2024


  It's a beautiful thing to be able to Draw, create art from the most insignificant things. Conjuring worlds and scenarios  From only figments of imagination. To not be bound by a single  Figural source of inspiration  Is a freedom I've known since my word conscious years It's a gift freely given that sometimes  I wonder why I was chosen To carry and share such an awesome gift. Like a bird whose strong wings gives it flight  To be perched on the tallest mahogany tree in the forest And the wide expanse of the blue sky as a universal roof Such heights and lengths do I hope my words reach  And beyond.

Love is what I think when I hear your name

Love is what I think  When I hear your name  Love, pure  Love, real  Love almost as natural  As I can say my name. Love is what I really feel  when I hear your name  Ifedolapo

Happy World Poetry Day

  Lost am I in myself And still like a kettle brewing tea My thoughts are vibrating at a frequency/magnititude Similar to what an earthquake will feel like if contained in a body I’m brewing with thoughts to share But no choice cup is in sight To pour into. I’m burning with words to speak But no voice to utter them My stifled voice is almost Lost to the noise of this world  I must still be heard Even if it’s in whispers  Because I’ve words to convey Words of love and peace Strength and courage    Encouragement and solidarity  Words like hugs, a solace and comfort.  Hence, I’ll write  Till I’ve found me  Till my whispers aren’t whispers  And my voice is heard loud and clear  Till more people open their hearts to love  Till more people are happy, encouraged and living life to its fullest  And I’ll carry you along in that journey  Like I first promised when I laid my pen to paper  Ifedolapo 

Night night

Night comes my love  So does another chance  To send you my warmest love  The night comes my love  So does my chance  To talk, sing you to sleep  As you lay down your beautiful head.  Night comes my love  And it goes too  But I’ll be here in the morning  With words again to usher you into a wonderful day Everyday  Ifedolapo


    In praise of the magnificence of the women around us For the sister,  aunt , mum,  grandmum   She is an African woman She is Black, bold, beautiful Strong, resilient,  powerful And b rilliant as the sun   She’s a woman  She’s not to be defined by  The expectation of others She’s not to be boxed to a corner of a house  or  country  She’s born for flight The woman The caterpillar and the butterfly   She’s a woman S he knows her worth and wants She  knows what she’s needs to do to get it Either slow and  steadily Or by hook or crook and fast Regardless of the methods O ne thing is clear A woman determined She won’t be deterred   She’s a woman She’s the flower yet the root She’s the symbol and the icon She’s the canvass yet the paint She’s the light that dispels the darkness She is the best of us and what’s to come A  true  bundle of wonder   She is a woman She is us She is me    I’m...

In Praise of the Woman

Woman  Bronzed with elegance  Enameled with grace  The pride of her father  The comfort of her sisters  The Apple of the eye of her husband  Society’s most treasured treasure  We hail you  Oh great woman  From thee unwavering devotion is defined  Determination strong enough to level mountains  The very image of a queen  A multitasking maestro  Catering to her needs and everybody else’s like no other  How may we continually sing your praises  Oh great woman  Today we open our minds  To the endless possibilities of your capacity  That as you dream it, you reach it  We break down stereotypes built  We bring down every discrimination  Starting with our words today  That all who know you  Know your inestimable value and treat you as such  Oh great woman  May the doors you choose to knock be open to you  May your flight be swift and free When you choose to fly...


7:00am Wednesday morning. I was ushered from the realm of sleep  To wakefulness by the  High pitch chirping of the bird on my windowpane I could feel a smile erect along the curves of my lips  Even though my eyes were still closed  Fond Memories etched someone in the soft tissue of my brain  Flooded my consciousness just as the morning light shined through my window  Pictures and videos, pieces of my  memories  Played for an audience of one in a room of two. Memories of a little girl  Wearing her dainty blue, above the knee uniform  Replayed before me. She also hearing the all too familiar chirping of the birds.  A sound she never knew she’d recall even after 15yrs  Dolapo, Ifedolapo    it’s 7:30 and class is by 8:00 My roommate Eniola calls out  And as I get up for a race against time to class  The little bird on my window pane bids me bye With wings flapping and silence ensuing  As a result of it’s ab...