Dear reader , You’re welcome to my short story series for the year! The last short story series being “Iya Onome: My favorite hairdresser” highlights some of the struggles women face in our society. This short stories series I’m beginning will be no different, it will expose another of the issues faced by a group of people in our society. So, come along with me on this ride as I forge the stories and you piece the pieces. Flunk , Flunkier , Flunkiest I’ve always been the girl who moved schools. How frequently? 5 schools in 5 years That’s how frequently. And I struggled with this Unbeknownst to the ones Who should’ve payed more attention. I think they struggled too Their troubles blinding them from seeing beyond themselves. So I’ve no blame towards them. But I burrowed myself deep in myself Till my audible voice became alien to me Simply Lost. Self preservation ? My thoughts became my ...
Love, Life & Poetry