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My Prayer for You Today❤️


To you 

The one who was called by God

Into his love 

I pray an insatiable hunger 

For God and the things of God

I pray a hunger upon you 

That only the bread of life can fill

I pray a thirst unquenchable deep in your soul 

That only the springs of living water can permeate and satiate 

I pray the fire 

Of the Holy Spirit consumes you 

Until an undying fire and fervor is kindled

And I pray that when you burn

 You burn for Him alone 

I also pray the fear of God humbles you

And gives you wisdom 

That nothing, absolutely nothing else will make you tremble 

I pray the joy of the Lord will be indeed be your strength 

Because honestly you’ll need it

And finally, I pray from the very depths of my heart 

That God reveals His wholesome love to you.

And that every part of you screaming and groaning 

Silently and loudly to be made whole and free

Will be made perfect in him.

These and many more I pray for you❤️

Have a beautiful week



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